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UofT/RASC National Star Party

Come see the planets as you’ve never seen them before! On September 15, we’ll celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, with telescopes, planets, and prizes. Starting at 7:30pm, we’ll have telescopes set up to view Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and their moons. This is a rare opportunity to get telescopic views of three planets all in one night. See the moons of Jupiter as Galileo first saw them more than four hundred years ago. As a bonus, we’ve chosen September 15 because, on that night, you’ll also be able to see craters and mountains on the Moon in stunning detail.

Make sure to arrive before 8:30pm if you want to catch Jupiter and its moons. Mars, Saturn, and the Moon will be visible until the conclusion of the event.

Who can attend: Everyone
Fee: Free
Registration: Not required
Organized by: UNIVERSE at the University of Toronto (Dunlap Institute, DAA, CITA, GASA, ASX) and RASC - Toronto Centre
Location: Back Campus Fields, University of Toronto, Hoskin Ave. at Tower Rd., Toronto, ON M5S 2E5
