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Speaker's Night: Galactic Powerhouses: Exploring Quasars and Their Spectacular Spectra [Online Only]

Photo Credit: York University

Speaker: Marianna Veltri, York University, Honours Physics and Astronomy 

Abstract: Quasars are extremely luminous active galactic nuclei (AGNs) which consist of supermassive blackholes (SMBHs), surrounded by a rapidly rotating accretion disk, located at the centre of massive galaxies. Spectral analysis stands as a primary avenue for investigating these objects. Given the presence of broad emission lines (BELs) and broad absorption lines (BALs) in quasar spectra, the interpretation of these spectra holds significant importance. Analysing spectra of quasars offers valuable insights about the behaviour of quasars themselves and the behaviour of their parent galaxies.

Who can attend: Everyone

Fee: Free

Registration: Not required

Organized by: RASC, Toronto Centre and York University

