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Allan I. Carswell Observatory (AIC) Observatory Initiative

Submitted by a.cosmic.strin… on 15 December 2023

Allan I. Carswell Observatory (AIC) Observatory Proposal System

Launch of AIC Observatory Proposal System - Collaborative Observations - Robotic Variable Stars and 

RASC MEMBERS - BN (Blake Nancarrow) Variable Star Applications.

The outreach initiative is available to RASC members who would like to apply for time at the Allan I Carswell Observatory at York University. Members following the Variable Star Campaign or have other photometric or spectroscopic observing interests such as solar rotation periods, classifying galaxies, asteroid tracking and even detecting exoplanets may find this useful. This campaign is in honor of the late Blake Nancarrow, the first astronomer in residence in the Allan I. Carswell Observatory/Killarney Park program, and RASC member. On the last Friday of every month ‘Blake's Night’, RASC members and in particular variable star program followers will have priority when applying for time on either the 1m or 60cm robotic telescopes (with in-person optional observing) by submitting a proposal using the template and submission form here:

Observation planning can be done entirely from the observers resources on our new informational page here:

Please contact RASCTO second vice president and Observatory Director Dr. Elaina Hyde if you require more information or assistance with applications: