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3 October

Perimeter Institute: The Event Horizon Telescope (WEBCAST)

Dr. Avery Broderick will provide a highly accessible and interesting lecture on the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) and international efforts to interpret horizon-resolving images of numerous supermassive black holes.
4 October

UofT AstroTour: 90 Degrees South: Astronomy at the End of the World

The South Pole, one of Earth’s most isolated outposts, is alive with science. And it's here where you'll find the 10-metre South Pole Telescope (SPT) observing the oldest light in our Universe, the Cosmic Microwave Background—light emitted just after the Big Bang. In 2016, a next-generation microwave camera, SPT-3G, was installed on the telescope. This camera is allowing astronomers to map out the Cosmic Microwave Background in more detail than ever before, providing new information on clusters of galaxies, cosmic inflation, and particle physics. 
11 October

CIFAR Massey Talk 2018: Solving the mystery of fast radio bursts

Every day, as many as 1,000 extremely fast and powerful bursts of radio waves flash out of the sky from beyond our galaxy, and we know very little about them. Join Victoria Kaspi, Director of CIFAR’s Gravity & the Extreme Universe program, as she explains what we know, and describes a revolutionary new Canadian radio telescope that will soon help us solve the puzzle. Doors open at 6:30pm.
10 December

Recreational Astronomy Night

Join us for our monthly recreational astronomy night meeting at the Ontario Science Centre. This is where our members get to show their latest projects, or give tutorials and tips on just about everything to do with Astronomy. Talks start at 7:30 socializing starts at 7:00.
12 November

Recreational Astronomy Night

Join us for our monthly recreational astronomy night meeting at the Ontario Science Centre. This is where our members get to show their latest projects, or give tutorials and tips on just about everything to do with Astronomy. Talks start at 7:30 socializing starts at 7:00.
8 October

Recreational Astronomy Night

Join us for our monthly recreational astronomy night meeting at the Ontario Science Centre. This is where our members get to show their latest projects, or give tutorials and tips on just about everything to do with Astronomy. Talks start at 7:30 socializing starts at 7:00.
4 June

Recreational Astronomy Night

Join us for our monthly recreational astronomy night meeting at the Ontario Science Centre. This is where our members get to show their latest projects, or give tutorials and tips on just about everything to do with Astronomy. Talks start at 7:30 socializing starts at 7:00.
23 April

Recreational Astronomy Night

Join us for our monthly recreational astronomy night meeting at the Ontario Science Centre. This is where our members get to show their latest projects, or give tutorials and tips on just about everything to do with Astronomy. Talks start at 7:30 socializing starts at 7:00. Chris Vaughan - The sky this month Guy Nason - Recent adventures under southern skies Ed Treijs - Low impact, ten-year observing plan for the Moon's changing orbit *** Equipment swap table after the presentations ***
19 February

February Recreational Astronomy Night

Our monthly recreational astronomy meeting at the Ontario Science Centre with the sky this month, a photographic Messier marathon and killing planets with a homemade reflector.
1 November

OSC Great Conversations: Learn Life Lessons from an Astronaut

Welcome back Dr. Dave Williams to talk about Defying Limits: Lessons from the Edge of the Universe — an inspirational, uplifting, and life-affirming memoir about passion, resilience and living to the fullest. From spacewalking records to living under the sea to performing surgery in zero gravity, learn how a curious kid from Saskatchewan rocketed out of this world. Dr. Dave will be available for book signing after the conversation. Presented in collaboration with Simon & Schuster Canada.